Photo courtesy of Unsplash.
With National “I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day” coming up, we compiled a list of ways to experience the Wild West right here in Nevada.
Howdy, Nevadans! Did you know that every year, there’s a national “I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day”? And why shouldn’t there be? After all, who doesn’t love the all-American romance of cowboys and cowgirls?
This year, “I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day” is on August 15, and in the Silver State, you have plenty of opportunities to celebrate!
Whether you’re a seasoned cowpoke or new in the saddle, in Nevada, you’re in the heart of the Wild West – AKA authentic cowboy and cowgirl country. From watching some of the wildest entertainment West of the Mississippi to trying your hand at some Wild West adventures for yourself, here are some ways that you can channel your inner Nevada cowboy or cowgirl this summer:
1. Check Out an Authentic Rodeo
Want to see bucking broncos, fancy roping, and lasso tricks? At one of Nevada’s many rodeos, you can do just that!
From Lincoln County’s annual rodeo and fair to the Capital City Rodeo in Carson City or the nationally-known Reno Rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls from across the nation come to Nevada to show their stuff – and you can be right there to witness it!
In fact, this December, Sin City is going to be the country’s rodeo capital, as Las Vegas will be home to a weeklong national rodeo championship final – yeehaw!
2. Mosey on Down to a Historic Ghost Town
Maybe this town is big enough (or at least empty enough) for the both of us …
Did you know that Nevada is full of historic ghost towns? These towns, which sprung up with mining booms and other short-lived crazes, have long been abandoned, but you can still visit to get up close and personal with a piece of Nevada history.
Ghost towns can be found all over the state, and have things to see ranging from Paradise Valley, a “living ghost town” with a hundred residents and a working saloon, to Fish Lake Valley Heritage Center and Museum, close to the California border, where you can peruse artifacts donated by locals throughout the years.

Photo courtesy of Famartin/CC BY-SA 3.0.
3. Say Howdy to “Vegas Vic” – and Discover the Wild Western Side of Las Vegas
Did you know that the famous neon cowboy in Las Vegas has a name? He’s Vegas Vic! But the city’s cowboy side goes further than its unofficial mascot.
Just outside of Las Vegas, in nearby Goodsprings, you’ll find the Pioneer Saloon, one of the oldest bars in Nevada that has been serving up cold drinks and shade from the desert sun since 1913. It was the site of many brawls and even a shootout over a card game.
Closer to Vegas proper, the National Finals Rodeo, or NFR, holds regular “experiences” in Vegas, so be sure to check your calendar!

Public Domain Photo.
4. Grab Some Gear With Traditional Cowboy Boots
You can’t hit the trail without your boots–and in Nevada, you can find beautifully made, authentic cowboy boots at shops across the state.
From the Boot Barn in Las Vegas, which also offers a wide selection of Western-style shirts and cowboy-themed gifts, to Reno’s D Bar and M Western Store, which has been supplying Nevadans with authentic cowboy boots since 1964, you can take your pick.
Be aware, though, that a pair of leather cowboy boots generally won’t come cheap – but for quality craftsmanship with a proper Wild West flair, it might be worth it!
5. Saddle Up at a Dude Ranch
Want to take your cowboy experience to the next level? Guest ranches, sometimes called dude ranches, are working ranches that are also open to visitors looking for a Wild West vacation. You can find guest ranches all over the southwestern United States, but some of the very best are right here in Nevada!
For a choice between tent camping or a more modern stay, Cottonwood Ranch offers both, or you can enjoy Lake Tahoe luxury with a cowboy twist at the Border House, while Ike’s Canyon Ranch and Wild Horse Safaris offers the chance to see wild horses, or get in touch with your literary side, as they serve as a writer’s retreat.
Writer, rider, or both? For Nevada cowboys and cowgirls, there’s something for everyone!
This article first appeared on Good Info News Wire and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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