
Letter to Editor: Let’s keep making the Silver State green for all Nevadans

By Angel Lazcano

May 10, 2024

Dear Editor,

In regards to the article “Rep. Susie Lee scores win as bill expanding access to public lands passes US House” from April 10:

As the Nevada Program Manager for Somos Votantes living here in Las Vegas, it is encouraging to see the tremendous progress being made in Nevada to conserve our green spaces and provide all Nevadans, including hardworking Latinos, with more opportunities to enjoy these much needed spaces. We know that when Nevadans do well, our economy does well. 

From the $3.6 Million grant from the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to Conserve Nevada to preserve and enhance our state’s rich natural heritage to the recent US House passage of the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act, these efforts are a major step to not only provide our community with more opportunities, but also to help combat climate change, keep our families safe from extreme weather, and ensure the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Being born and raised in Nevada, I know the natural beauty, as well as ecological variety, our wonderful state has to offer is monumental. Home means Nevada, and it wouldn’t be the same without the vivid hues of red and orange which leap out at you when visiting Red Rock or the vast stretches of green forest in northern Nevada. They were essential in my upbringing as lifelong Nevadense, and they sure will be for the generations to come. 

As a Latino-led, Latino-focused organization, we have seen and experienced first-hand the effect the lack of green spaces in our neighborhoods has on our health and our wallets. Research has proven that a lack of access to green spaces can be linked to an increase in health problems and a decrease in mental health, not to mention the effect rising heat has on our energy bills. 

This makes the work of programs such as Conserve Nevada crucial to our community.  Preservation efforts like these make it possible for our green areas to grow, expand, and thrive. From expanding the wildlife habitat in the Steptoe Valley Wildlife Management Area to developing over 100 miles of trails within the Las Vegas BLM Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, these projects will allow for more Nevadans to access and enjoy the outdoor paradises that are within driving distance to us.

Somos Votantes applauds these efforts that are not only good for the Madre Tierra, but also for our community and necessary for our economic well being. We are excited to see more of these conservation efforts, pushing our Silver State to a greener future that benefits everyone.


Angel Lazcano
Nevada Program Manager for Somos Votantes

  • Angel Lazcano

    Angel Gabriel Lazcano Jr. was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is the current NV Program Manager for Somos Votantes & Somos PAC

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